What Does it Mean to be Alive?
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An introduction to the concept that all life is based on the same principle - using information to harvest, store and use energy. A conceptual model of the Knowledge Constructor is proposed to show how information controls material beings to enable life.
The First Law of Life - Survive
Life has laws, without which life is impossible. Read about the first law.
The Second Law of Life - Make a Profit
All life forms must gain energy (wealth) in order to survive, grow, reproduce and evolve. Read about the Second Law.
The Third Law of Life - Information is the Fuel that Powers the Engines of Life
Without information, there is no life and without life there is no information. Read about the Third Law.
The Secret Life of Algorithms
Algorithms are the instructions that make life possible. Learn about them here.
Pi at the Center of the Universe
Was life baked into the universe from day one? We can’t figure out the complex present without knowing how it all started. Read about how Pi shows us why.