Leaving Our Footprints in the Sands of Time
Where have we been, where are we going and what's it going to be like when we get there?

The Past is Prologue
My journey across the shifting, sandy beaches of time has been an interesting one, including science, art, technology, business, startups, philosophy and futurism. What you will see and read on this blog will include all of the above - ideas, observations, fun and fantasy. I describe my interests as weaponized ADHD, a craving to learn about anything and everything.
Decamping from Silicon Valley in 2008, my wife and I destressed, detoxed, and rewired our brains in the high mountain rain forests of Panama, where I have created a private laboratory and think tank. Our community of Boquete attracts thinkers, artists, builders, and adventurers of all ages from around the world.
My primary, long-standing research is about connecting thermodynamics, neurobiology, and information technology to improve our communication with information machines and with AI. This work has also led to a new theory of the foundational principles of life as a thermodynamic/information process.
Before Covid, we formed a stealth company, HomeBrew HealthTech, to research longevity and healthspan, which focuses on options not pursued by Big Health. During covid, I did a ground-up user-centric redesign of facemask technology - Facemask 2.0 - designed as a global open-source 3D printing project, possibly leading to a mass customization industry.
Where have we been, where are we now, and what's it going to be like when we get there?
The world is a complex, coupled, chaotic system, constantly evolving and never returning to any previous state. You, me, the trees, the bees, we are all evolving together on an evolving earth, spinning through an evolving universe.
Today humanity is at an inflection point - our accelerating networked intellectual power is evolving into a global, connected, real-time brain, for the first time allowing all of humanity to learn, think and do at the speed of mind.
How can we understand these new powers, use them to our advantage and help steer the world community toward a prosperous, egalitarian, and less violent future? We know it’s possible - but the choice is ours, all of us, to make together.
If you like these ideas, please join and help grow our band of thinkers, poets, doers, and dreamers.
How does it work?
I am not a professional blogger writing on deadlines. These postings are my dialog with you and the world - a kind of open-source book project - but a book that changes and evolves. Your comments are welcome and appreciated.
I am not asking for paid subscriptions. Postings will be as frequent as there is new material to add. Some postings will be short observations, and others, longer articles around important topics of the day.